AVT (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Tech Co., Ltd.

Correct Use and Precautions of Fat Emulsion Injection

Fatty milk injection is an important nutritional support drug, which is widely used in clinics, especially in critically ill patients and patients who need parenteral nutritional support. However, the use of fat milk injection is not simple and needs to follow certain specifications and precautions. In this article, the correct use and precautions of fat emulsion injection will be elaborated in detail from three aspects to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug.

Indications and contraindications of fat emulsion injection

Fat emulsion injection is mainly used for patients who need parenteral nutritional support, such as digestive tract diseases, post-surgery recovery, critically ill patients, and so on. It can provide essential fatty acids and energy, and help maintain the nutritional status and physiological function of patients. However, not all patients are suitable for the use of Fat Milk Injection. For patients with severe lipid metabolism disorders, severe coagulation disorders, acute shock, etc., fat milk injection should be prohibited or used with caution. Therefore, before use, doctors should carefully assess the patient's condition to ensure the rationality of drug use.

Storage and transport of Fat Emulsion Injection

Fatty milk injection should be stored in a cool, dry, and ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature. The drug should be placed out of reach of children to prevent misuse. During transport, ensure that the drug packaging is intact and avoid collision and extrusion. In addition, fat emulsion injection is an emulsion, which may lead to delamination if left for a long time, so the drug should be checked to see if it is homogeneous before use, and if there is any delamination or precipitation, it should be gently shaken well before use.

Dosage and administration of Fat Emulsion Injection

The dosage of fat emulsion injection should be adjusted according to the patient's nutritional requirements and condition. Generally speaking, the daily dose for adults is 0.5~1g/kg, which can be infused in divided doses. The infusion rate should be controlled within the tolerable range, avoiding too fast or too slow. During the infusion process, the patient's vital signs and adverse reactions should be closely observed, and the dose and speed should be adjusted in time. In addition, fat milk injection should be infused separately from other drugs to avoid drug-drug interactions.

As an important parenteral nutritional support drug, fat milk injection plays an indispensable role in clinical application. However, each patient's specific situation is very different, so developing a personalised treatment strategy is crucial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of fat milk injection. In the field of medicine, fat emulsion injections have always played an important role in providing the body with energy. As a highly effective parenteral nutritional supplement, it can quickly provide energy when the body needs it, and become a powerful assistant in the recovery process of patients.The correct use and precautions of fat emulsion injection are essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Doctors should fully understand the indications, contraindications, dosage and usage, storage and transportation as well as adverse reactions of the drug, and formulate personalised treatment plans according to the patient's specific situation.